Looking your best doesn't have to cost alot of money. Here are some frugal tips and freebies to keep you looking your best.
Dry Hand Tips: Dry skin plagues most of us, especially in the winter time. If you are suffering from dry skin, use a hydrating lotion on your hands. You should also apply lotion and wear plastic gloves when washing dishes. The warmth of the water will help the lotion to absorb better, leaving your hands soft and supple.
Bath Tips: In ancient civilizations, they used milk in their bath water to soften their skin. You can try this trick, too. Use powdered milk in your bath and see if your skin feels any different. To exfoliate your skin, use a mixture of grapefruit and salt. This will remove dead skin cells and clean the pores.
Face Care: Beauty products today, even those that say they are all-natural, contain preservatives. The skin on your face is far too delicate for the harsh additives in many of these products. Instead, wet your face with warm water and apply honey. As a facial exfoliant, try raw sugar. Gently rub it in until it dissolves and then rinse.
Keep a bottle of witch hazel under your bathroom sink. It is a natural toner for the skin and costs less than the name brands you find in stores. A sliced cucumber from the fridge will reduce the swelling of puffy eyes in the morning. Instead of expensive makeup removers, use olive oil and a cotton ball.
Hair Care: Chemicals can build up in the hair from thermal styling, hair sprays, and everyday activity. Mayonnaise has long been touted as a natural hair and scalp conditioner. Or try using pure natural olive oil on your hair for shine and to de-frizz your mane.
After you shampoo and rinse your hair, pour a cupful of diluted vinegar through your hair. Rinse thoroughly. Apply conditioner and rinse. Be careful not to get the vinegar in your eyes!
The best beauty tip is drinking plenty of water. Drinking eight to ten glasses of water every day flushes out your system. It is like an internal shower for your body. Water removes impurities and gives a natural glow to your skin.
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