Ever wonder how beautiful people with professional stylists and clothes by any designer they want still seem to flub it up so badly? I do too!
My last poll [How much does celebrity fashion influence your own fashion style?] prompted me for this particular post. I was amused looking at the results that showed people might just wear something without thinking what serious damage it could do!!
Not all celebrities are “IN” In fashion Industry.. Not all have taste in fashion...Some just wear those because they have access to the world's best designer clothing products (for free,) and a team of makeup artist and stylish (for free) but does doesn't mean Hollywood Celebrities are infallible when in comes to their fashion taste..Here's some Hollywood Celebs having fashion disasters..Hey eva! Are you Okay? We understand if you may be expressing your wild side, but a leopard maxi dress with billowy sleeves is just too much of a good thing for you.
Nope, your eyes do not deceive you (although they may well be bleeding if you've been looking at this picture for any length at all). That's Scarlett Johansson, and yes, that's a boiler suit she's wearing, and ohmygod, there are no words.
She's a project: a lovely young girl, perfect raw material, who just so happens to dress exactly like my mother did in the 80s. (Actually, scratch that: my mother is way more stylish than Katie Holmes. I mean, what, does she have that freaky premature ageing disease or something? No? Then why is she permanently dressed like someone's maiden aunt, in frumpy, shapeless clothes that do absolutely nothing for her? WHY? )
The thing that sucks about this picture the most? She was out with Victoria Beckham and J.Lo at the time. GOD...
Oh Jodie, Jodie, you make our job too easy here... Oh, and for the readers who perhaps aren't familiar with Jodie Marsh, I just want to point out that Jodie is not black. She's white. That be fake tan...
Behold the under-cleavage - the cleavage that comes when your bikini top is a couple of sizes too small, and the reason why you should always make sure you jump around the changing room a few times and wave your hands in the air (like ya just don't care, folks!) when you're trying on a new swimsuit. If you fail to follow these steps, why, you could end up looking like Heather Locklear - or, more specifically, like Heather Locklear's boobs, which, as you can see, are a two-pater - one part below the bikini, one part above. Don't try it at home, kids...
This is Shanessa Reilly, would be Big Brother housemate, care worker and, er, pole dancer. Clearly the pole dancing part of her personality was the dominant part on Friday night, when she chose to enter the BB house wearing this little pink dress - with "little" being the operative word. Either that or there were no mirrors wherever she was getting ready for the show.
In this picture, Keira looks like someone stuck a woman's head on a little boy's body. It's actually pretty disturbing, in an "I can't stop looking at it" kind of way. And I think it's time to sack the stylist, Keira...
THIS is the woman fashion editors all over the land would have us believe is a "real" woman with a "quirky sense of style".
I'd like to think Julia Roberts was paid to wear this outfit - and particularly these shoes - to whatever awards event this was. I know it's hard to imagine who, in their right mind, would pay her to wear it (and, more importantly, WHY), but it's even harder to imagine her looking in the mirror that night and thinking, "Yup, this is one hawt red carpet look, lookin' good!"
Then again, there's just a chance that Julia here thinks she's so gorgeous she can get away with wearing ANYTHING - even a frumpy old house dress from the 30s and these cloddhopper shoes.
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